Selected Physics Publications
Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P.: The physics of key biophotonic techniques. In Biophotonics, Tryptophan and Disease, pp. 3-10. Academic Press, 2022.
Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P., Alfano, R.R.: Abnormal tryptophan metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease (ALZ): label-free spectroscopy suggests an alternative theory of ALZ causation. In Optical Biopsy XVIII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, Vol. 11234, pp. 112341P. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020.
Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, D.C., Shi, L., Sordillo, P.P., Alfano, R.R.: SWIR windows as an adjunctive to biopsy for distinguishing and monitoring benign and malignant tissues. In Optical Biopsy XVIII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, Vol. 11234, pp. 112341H. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020.
Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo P.P.: Detection and evaluation of solid tumors using fluorescence spectroscopy. Asian J. Phy. 29(5-7), 2020. (Invited Paper)
Sordillo, L.A., Zhang L., Sordillo, P.P., Alfano, R.R.: Alzheimer’s disease: label-free fluorescence shows increases in indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO) or tryptophan 2, 3-dioxygenase (TDO) activity in affected areas of the brain. In Optical Biopsy XVII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, Vol. 10873, pp. 186-189. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2019.
Sordillo, L.A. and Sordillo, P.P.: Optical Spectroscopy of Tryptophan Metabolites in Neurodegenerative Disease. In Neurophotonics and Biomedical Spectroscopy. Elsevier, New York. pp. 137-157, 2019.
Sordillo, L.A., Zhang, L., Shi, L., Sriramoju, V., Sordillo, P.P., Alfano, R.R.: Resonance Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy to evaluate increased brain kynurenine pathway activity in samples from patients with neurodegenerative disease. In Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference, Vol. 10711, pp. 107111F. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018.
Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P. and Alfano, R.R.: Imaging using a supercontinuum laser to assess tumors in patients with breast carcinoma. In Optical Biopsy XIV: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, Vol. 9703, pp. 300-306. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016.
Sordillo, D.C., Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P. and Alfano, R.R.: Fourth near-infrared optical window for assessment of bone and other tissues. In Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics XII, Vol. 9689, pp. 499-506. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016.
Liu, C.H., Boydston-White, S., Wang, W., Sordillo, L.A., Shi, L., Weisberg, A., Tomaselli, V.P., Sordillo, P.P. and Alfano, R.R.: Optical pathology study of human abdominal aorta tissues using confocal micro resonance Raman spectroscopy. In Optical Biopsy XIV: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, Vol. 9703, pp. 97031S. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016.
Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P., Budansky, Y., Pu, Y. and Alfano, R.R.: A comparison study of different excitation wavelengths to determine the relative content of key biomolecules in breast cancer and breast normal tissue. In Optical Biopsy XIII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, Vol. 9318, pp. 145-151, SPIE. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015.
Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P., Budansky, Y., Pu, Y. and Alfano, R.R.: High histologic grade and increased relative content of tryptophan in breast cancer using ratios from fingerprint fluorescence spectral peaks. In Optical Biopsy XIII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, Vol. 9318, pp. 5-10. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015.
Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P., Budansky, Y., Leproux, P. and Alfano, R.R.: Imaging microfractures and other abnormalities of bone using a supercontinuum laser source with wavelengths in the four NIR optical windows. In Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics XI, Vol. 9303, pp. 428-433. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015.
Sordillo, D.C., Sordillo, L.A., Shi, L., Budansky, Y., Sordillo, P.P. and Alfano, R.R.: Novel, near-infrared spectroscopic, label-free, techniques to assess bone abnormalities such as Paget's disease, osteoporosis and bone fractures. In Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics XI, Vol. 9303, pp. 434-442. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015.
Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P., Budansky, Y., Pu, Y. and Alfano, R.R.: Differences in fluorescence profiles from breast cancer tissues due to changes in relative tryptophan content via energy transfer: tryptophan content correlates with histologic grade and tumor size but not with lymph node metastases. Journal of biomedical optics, 19(12), p.125002, 2014.
Sordillo, L.A., Pu, Y., Sordillo, P.P., Budansky, Y. and Alfano, R.R.: Spectral analysis of tissues from patients with cancer using a portable spectroscopic diagnostic ratiometer unit. In Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care IV (Vol. 9129, pp. 491-498). International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014.
Sordillo, L.A., Pu, Y., Sordillo, P.P., Budansky, Y. and Alfano, R.R.: Deep tissue imaging of microfracture and non-displaced fracture of bone using the second and third near-infrared therapeutic windows. In Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics X, Vol. 8926, pp. 89263V. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014.
Sordillo, L.A., Das, B.B., Pu, Y., Liang, K., Milione, G., Sordillo, P.P., Achilefu, S. and Alfano, R.R.: Time-resolved fluorescence for breast cancer detection using an octreotate-indocyanine green derivative dye conjugate. In Optical Biopsy XI, Vol. 8577, pp. 857708. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013.
Sordillo, D.C., Budansky, Y., Sordillo, P.P., Sordillo, L.A. and Alfano, R.: A novel approach to Paget's disease diagnosis and monitoring using near-infrared absorption spectroscopy. In Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics IX, Vol. 8565, pp. 856566. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013.
Sordillo, L.A., Shi, L., Sordillo, D.C., Sordillo, P.P., Alfano, R.R.: Advances in medical applications using SWIR light in the wavelength range from 1600 to 2350 nm. In Optical Biopsy XVII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, Vol. 10873, pp. 10873-28. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2019. (Invited Paper)
Sordillo, D.C., Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P., Shi, L. and Alfano, R.R.: Short wavelength infrared optical windows for evaluation of benign and malignant tissues. J. Biomed. Opt. 22(4): 045002, 2017.
Liu, C.H., Boydston-White, S., Weisberg, A., Wang, W., Sordillo, L.A., Perotte, A., Tomaselli, V.P., Sordillo, P.P., Pei, Z., Shi, L. and Alfano, R.R.: Vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque detection by resonance Raman spectroscopy. J. Biomed. Opt. 21(12): 127006, 2016.
Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P., Shi, L. and Alfano R. R.: Label-free techniques for the assessment of cancer and other diseases using the supercontinuum light source at the four NIR optical windows, in Optics in Bone Surgery and Diagnostics, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2017. (Invited Paper)
Sordillo, L.A., Pu, Y., Sordillo, P.P., Budansky, Y., and Alfano, R.R.: Optical spectral fingerprints of tissues from patients with different breast cancer histologies using a novel fluorescence spectroscopic device. Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 12(5): 455-461, 2013.
Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P. and Alfano, R.R.: Label-free pathological evaluation of grade 3 cancer using Stokes shift spectroscopy, in Optical Biopsy XIV: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, Vol. 9703, pp. 97030W. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016.
Sordillo L.A, Sordillo D.C, Shi L, Sordillo, P.P and Alfano R.R: Supercontinuum ballistic imaging of bone using the fourth NIR optical window. In Optical Biopsy XIV: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9703 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA), 97030W, 2016.
Conti, P.S., Sordillo, P.P., Fissekis, J., Nielsen, C.M. and Chung, J.: Comparative uptake of positron emitting biomolecules in hepatoma heterotransplants: PET feasibility studies. J. Nucl. Med. 29: 903, 1988.
Conti, P.S., Sordillo, P.P., Sordillo, E. and Schmall, B.: Tumor-localization of the metabolically trapped radiolabeled substrates 2-deoxy-D-glucose and aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acid in human melanoma heterotransplants. Am. J. Clin. Oncol. 9: 537-540, 1986.
Conti, P.S., Sordillo, E.M., Sordillo, P.P. and Schmall, B.: Tumor localization of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) in human melanoma heterotransplants. Europ. J. Nucl. Med. 10: 45-47, 1985.
Sordillo, P.P., Reiman, R., Benua, R., Gelbard, A., Magill, G., Rosen, G. and Laughlin, J.: Quantitative scanning of soft-tissue sarcomas with nitrogen-13-labeled-L-glutamate. Cancer Invest. 1: 387-393, 1983.
Sordillo, D.C., Sordillo, L.A., Sordillo, P.P. and Alfano, R.: Optical spectroscopy methods to probe key spectral fingerprints of animal bone. In Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics IX, Vol. 8565, pp. 726-731. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013.
Sordillo, P.P., DiResta, G.R., Fissekis, J., Conti, P., Benua, R.S., Yeh, S.D. and Laughlin, J.S.: Tumor imaging with carbon-11 labeled alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) in patients with malignant melanoma. American journal of physiologic imaging, 6(4), pp.172-175, 1991.
Sordillo, P.P., DiResta, E., Conti, P.S., Fissekis, J., Bading, J.R., Nielsen, C.M., Benua, R.S. and Laughlin, J.S.: Imaging studies using C-il-alpha aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) in patients with malignant melanoma. J Nuc! Med, 29, 1988.
Conti, P.S., Sordillo, P.P., Fissekis, J., Nielsen, C.M. and Chung, J.: Development of F-18 5-fluorouracil and fluorodeoxyuridine as tracers of chemotherapeutic agents for liver cancer. In Radiological Society of North America 73rd scientific assembly and annual meeting (Abstracts),1987.
Bading, J.R., Gelbard, A.S., Magill, G.B., Sordillo, P.P., Rossleigh, M. and Benua, R.S.: Paired-study comparison of n-13 l-valine and l-glutamate in human sarcomas. In Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 1030-1030). 1850 SAMUEL MORSE DR, RESTON, VA 20190-5316: SOC NUCLEAR MEDICINE INC., 1986.
Sordillo, P.P., Benua, R.S., Gelbard, A.S., Bading, J., Reiman, R.E., Magill, G.B. and Laughlin, J.S.: Imaging of human tumors and organs with N-13-labeled L-methionine. American Journal of Physiologic Imaging, 1(4), pp.195-200, 1986.
Conti, P.S., Sordillo, P.P., Sordillo, E.M. and Schmall, B.: Metabolically trapped radiolabeled substrates for the study of tumors invivo-evaluation of 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2dg) and aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acid (acpc) in nude-mice bearing human-malignant melanoma heterotransplant. In Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, Vol. 25, pp. 383-383, 1984.
Sordillo, P.P., Reiman, R.E., Gelbard, A.S., Benua, R.S., Magill, G.B. and Laughlin, J.S.: Scanning with L-(13 N) glutamate: Assessment of the response to chemotherapy of a patient with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 5(3), pp. 285-289, 1982.